25 Oct 2016


在执行UG 2 ICEM tin几何模型转换时,文件路径带有空格时,处理不小心就会造成各种问题.以前写过UG2TIN的过程分析(见 链接1, 链接2).最近在没有部署ICEM或者没有Admin账户权限的机器上执行模型转换时遇到了各种问题.如之前分析过的,这个过程需要调用一个UG的probe函数来返回UG版本号,然后判断对应的vendor文件夹是否已经存在于ICEM的安装路径之中.由于UG版本更新非常快,远超ICEM,因此就造成ICEM的对应文件夹下找不到对应UG版本的vendor文件夹.被这个问题困扰了几周之后,决定重拾之前的分析,彻底搞清楚ug2tin的转换步骤.

14 Oct 2016

Add 'My Computer' to Taskbar in Windows7

Usually, the Windows Explorer in taskbar of Windows 7 leads to the 'Library', which is very annoying. All I need is to open 'My Computer' by default rather than bothering me by the stupid 'Library' thing. To make it work properly, you can unpin the default explorer from taskbar. Then create a new shortcut and pin it to taskbar using the following address. It worked very well for me.

5 Oct 2016

Extend Taskbar to Multiple Monitors in Windows7

If you have multiple monitors it's easier to compare or edit files side by side. The default setting in Windows - even the latest version of Windows, aka Win10 - doesn't extend the taskbar however. The workaround can spot the truth that this can be done in Win8 afterwards OS very easily as it has been implemented in them already - although it's not the default setting. But how can you do the same thing in Windows7 or ealier version of OS?