19 Nov 2020

Windows Terminal Shortcuts Address


Windows Terminal is a nice and morden tabbed console open-sourced by Microsoft in 2019. What I like most is the capability that I can combine all my shells in one window like cmd, powershell, git bash, and WSL ubuntu shell. For my day to day work, I used Double Commander (DC) for file managedment. It's very easy to add extra shortcuts on DC's toolbar. Unfortunately, the link will lost its targets every time I upgrade my Windows Terminal. Interestingly, the shortcut I pinned to my taskbar worked all the time. Sound strange? Yes, it is!

Sudo apt update Failure


Deppin is an amzingly polished Linux distro built upon Debian. It now evolves to v20. Interestingly, there's a tiny bug than prevents it from updating itself. However, there's a quick fix for that.