29 Apr 2009

Ubuntu Tips:安装vm tools

对vm tools不再支持,安装之后下次重启,依然要求你继续安装,

There're some problem to install vm tools for ubuntu9.04, which it always require to be installed although you have done so. The answer from google is to install open-vm-tools. You can download it from sourceforge.


tar -xzf open-vm-tools-*.tar.gz
sudo ./configure --without-x
sudo make
sudo make install


If you meet any problem whilst compiling open-vm-tools, run the following command in terminal:

sudo apt-get install libproc-dev libdumbnet-dev libicu-dev libglib2.0-dev libglib1.2-dev

如果编译安装完全正确,打包文件拷贝到vm tools安装目录:

If you have done the compiling and installing procedures, tar the following files then put them into vm tools directory as:

cd modules/linux

for i in *; do mv ${i} ${i}-only; tar -cf ${i}.tar ${i}-only; done
cd ../../../
mv -f open-vm-tools-*/modules/linux/*.tar vmware-tools-distrib/lib/modules/source/

最后重新安装vm tools:

Finally, execute the install command as:

sudo ./vmware-install.pl

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