1、Start by running up Add & Remove Programs from the control panel and look for Windows Desktop Search in the list. Unlike with version 3, Windows Search v4 should be there.
2、If not, open a cmd window (click on Start, then “Run..” and type cmd in the Run dialogue that then appears). Then copy and paste the following line into the cmd window:
但如果“添加和删除程序”找不到卸载项,请点击 开始--运行,输入cmd,然后自制如下的内容到cmd窗口内执行。
3、If that also fails and you get a “The system cannot find the path specified.” error, then I have zipped up a copy that you can download from here. To work out where to extract it to, type:
如果还是失败,请下载此文件 ,然后解压到C:\WINDOWS\目录下(注意解压出来的目录名是 $NtUninstallKB940157$ ),然后再重复第2步。(或者找到目录C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB940157$\spuninst,双击运行文件 spuninst.exe)
echo %systemroot%
into your cmd window and note the location it points to (it is likely to be C:\Windows, but may not be if you upgraded to XP for Windows 2000 for example). Open the zip file, and extract the $NtUninstallKB940157$ to this location. Now repeat step 2.
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