1. 设计编码规则,因为所有可行解都是在解空间内用二进制编码表示,因此必须有一种可行的映射规则,从解空间到一定长度的二进制字符串进行映射.
2. 设计适应度函数(fitness).求极值问题函数的设计是g(x)=f(x)-N(这个N可以是任意值).
3. 随机产生初始种群,计算适应度函数和各样本的被选择概率;
4. 设置迭代次数,交叉概率Pc,变异概率Pm,开始遗传算法演化.
4.1 判断多样化指标,如果多样性较低,直接跳出循环.(这是我看完其他资料后,加入的步骤,可以加速收敛过程,否则必须老老实实迭代指定的次数才会结束.唯一的问题是,初始种群随机产生的样本比较单一,进化一次就完成.不过这种情况基本不会出现,只是有理论上的可能,但是要注意,因为当这种情况发生时,有可能得到不正确的结果).
4.2 产生新一代种群,包含几个步骤:
4.2.1 选择:有各种策略可用,较常用的是轮盘赌法,具体计算方式是: 根据被选择概率数组P得到一个新的累加数组A,其中
4.2.2 产生随机数rc,如果rc<Pc,则交叉演化(crossover),继续精英策略,最好的某几个样本不参与交叉,其余样本两两配对随机交叉(一般取60%的样本进行交叉,为什么这么取?)
4.2.3 产生随机数rm,如果rm<Pm,则变异演化(mutation),还是精英策略,最好的某些样本永不变异,其余的一定比例的样本在某个随机位置变异(这个比例不知怎么选择,我选择的10%,有没有什么要求?)
4.3 计算新种群的适应度数组
4.4 计算新种群的被选择概率数组,准备进入下次演化(回到4)
经测试,在精度为6位小数(字符串长度22),样本多样化参数(size(set(P))/size(P)设置为小于0.15时break循环的情况下的一些测试结果: (实际值x=1,f(x)=1.5)
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <ctime> #include <cmath> // ceil #include <numeric> // accumulate #include <map> // for quick sort to get new generation by probability using namespace std; // random number generator in [a,b] double randRange(int a, int b) { return (double)rand()/RAND_MAX*(b-a)+a; } // m^n double powint(int m, int n) { if (n==0) { return 1; } else { return m*powint(m,n-1); } } // from bin string to decimal number double bin2dec(string binNum) { double temp = 0.0; int numDigit; int len = (int)binNum.size(); for (int i=0;i<len;++i) { numDigit = binNum.substr(len-1-i,1).compare("1")==0 ? 1 : 0; temp += numDigit*powint(2,i); } return temp; } // from decimal number to bin string string dec2bin(int num, int len) { string binNum = ""; while (num>=2) { binNum.insert(0,num%2==0 ? "0" : "1"); num /= 2; } binNum.insert(0,num==0 ? "0" : "1"); while(binNum.size()<len) { binNum.insert(0,"0"); } return binNum; } // double number in range [a,b] to represent val double rangeValue(double val, int a, int b, int len) { return a+val*(b-a)/(powint(2,len)-1); } // real value in [0, RAND_MAX] to represents val in [a,b] int realValue(double val, int a, int b, int len) { return floor((val-a)*(powint(2,len)-1)/(b-a)); } // input the number of digits needed within range [a,b] // 2 means 0.01 or 10^(-2) int getLength(int a, int b, int n) { int maxab, minab, nDigits=1; maxab = a>=b ? a : b; minab = a>=b ? b : a; if (maxab==minab) { cout << "It's a point or zero length range!" << endl; return 0; } double temp = (maxab-minab)*powint(10,n); while(temp>powint(2,nDigits)) nDigits++; return nDigits; } // generate num binary string vector with length=len represent the numbers in [a,b] vector<string> randSample(int num, int len, int a, int b) { vector<string> samples; for (int i=0;i<num;++i) { samples.push_back(dec2bin(realValue(randRange(a,b),a,b,len),len)); } return samples; } // target function: f(x) = -x*x+2*x+0.5 double targetFunc(double x) { return -x*x+2*x+0.5; } // adaptive values: g(x) = f(x)-Fmin vector<double> Fitness(vector<string> samples, int a, int b, int len, double fmin=-2.0) { vector<double> fitness; for (int i=0;i<(int)samples.size();++i) { fitness.push_back(targetFunc(rangeValue(bin2dec(samples[i]),a,b,len))-fmin); } return fitness; } // chosen probability, p(i) = g(i)/sum_of_g vector<double> choseProbability(vector<double> fitness) { vector<double> chosenProbs; double sum = accumulate(fitness.begin(),fitness.end(),0.0); for (int i=0;i<(int)fitness.size();++i) { chosenProbs.push_back(fitness[i]/sum); } //// found the smallest one //double minNum = fitness[0]; //for (int i=1;i<(int)fitness.size();++i) //{ // minNum = minNum>fitness[i] ? fitness[i] : minNum; //} //for (int i=0;i<(int)fitness.size();++i) //{ // chosenProbs.push_back((fitness[i]-minNum)/sum); //} return chosenProbs; } // roulette wheel selection to choose one sample // the probability of x_i to be chosen is probs[i] // if r>sigma_0^n[probs(i)], the n-th sample is chosen string rouletteSelection(vector<double> probs, vector<string> samples) { double accSum = 0.0; // roulette choose double randChose = randRange(0,1); int i; // find the one for (i=0;i<(int)probs.size();++i) { accSum += probs[i]; if (randChose<=accSum) { break; } } return samples[i]; } // cross: only corssRate% samples will be usef for crossover vector<string> Crossover(vector<string> samples, double crossRate=0.6) { vector<string> newSamples; int nums = (int)samples.size(); if (nums<=0) { cout << "Empty generation!\n"; return newSamples; } else { // crossed number, must be even int crossNum = floor(nums*crossRate); crossNum = crossNum%2==0 ? crossNum : crossNum+1; // length of the string int len = (int)samples[0].size(); // crossover: i and crossNum-1-i for (int i=0;i<crossNum/2;++i) { // where to start cross int crossPos = floor(randRange(0,len-1)); // crossover if (0==samples[i].compare(samples[crossNum-1-i])) { newSamples.push_back(samples[i]); newSamples.push_back(samples[i]); } else { string firsthalf = samples[i].substr(0,crossPos); string secondhalf = samples[crossNum-1-i].substr(crossPos); newSamples.push_back(samples[i].substr(0,crossPos)+samples[crossNum-1-i].substr(crossPos)); firsthalf = samples[crossNum-1-i].substr(0,crossPos); secondhalf = samples[i].substr(crossPos); newSamples.push_back(samples[crossNum-1-i].substr(0,crossPos)+samples[i].substr(crossPos)); } } // add elite samples int ind = 0; while((int)newSamples.size()<nums) { newSamples.push_back(samples[nums-1-ind]); ind++; } return newSamples; } } // mutation: only the mutateRate% samples will be used for mutation vector<string> Mutation(vector<string> samples, double mutateRate=0.1) { vector<string> newSamples; int nums = (int)samples.size(); if (nums<=0) { cout << "Empty generation!\n"; return newSamples; } else { // number of samples that will mutate int mutateNum = ceil(nums*mutateRate); // length of the string int len = (int)samples[0].size(); for (int i=0;i<nums;++i) { if (i<mutateNum) { // position int mutatePos = floor(randRange(0,len-1)); mutatePos = mutatePos>=0 ? mutatePos : 0; mutatePos = mutatePos<(int)samples[0].size() ? mutatePos : (int)samples[0].size()-1; // mutate string first = samples[i].substr(0,mutatePos-1); string theOne = samples[i].substr(mutatePos,1); string second = samples[i].substr(mutatePos+1); theOne = theOne.compare("0")==0 ? "1" : "0"; newSamples.push_back(first+theOne+second); } else { newSamples.push_back(samples[i]); } } return newSamples; } } // get new generation // this function always drop the sample with lowest probability // it should use roulette wheel selection method // pc: corss probability, if random<pc, crossover // pm: mutation probability, if random<pm, mutation vector<string> newGeneration(vector<string> samples, vector<double> probs, double pc=0.6, double pm=0.01) { // map double to string, use double values as keys // why? because the map will keep the keys sorted automatically, // it's easier to get the string indices to be changed at the same time map<double,string> probSamplePair; for (int i=0;i<(int)probs.size();++i) { probSamplePair[probs[i]] = samples[i]; } // return value vector<string> newSamples; // associated probabilities vector<double> newProbs; // reproduce the samples map<double,string>::iterator it; for (it=probSamplePair.begin();it!=probSamplePair.end();it++) { //cout << (*it).first << "->" << (*it).second.c_str() << endl; newSamples.push_back((*it).second); newProbs.push_back((*it).first); } // replace the one with minimal probability with the one with the biggest // this is the genetic strategy which can be modified for (int i=0;i<(int)newSamples.size()-1;++i) { newSamples[i] = newSamples[i+1]; newProbs[i] = newProbs[i+1]; } if ((int)newSamples.size()<(int)samples.size()) { string lastString = newSamples[(int)newSamples.size()-1]; double lastDouble = newProbs[(int)newProbs.size()-1]; // map will keep the keys identical, here to check the length while((int)newSamples.size()<(int)samples.size()) { newSamples.push_back(lastString); newProbs.push_back(lastDouble); } } // crossover if (randRange(0,1)<pc) { newSamples = Crossover(newSamples); } // mutation if (randRange(0,1)<pm) { newSamples = Mutation(newSamples); } return newSamples; } // variation double Variation(vector<string> samples) { map<double,string> pairs; for (int i=0;i<(int)samples.size();++i) { pairs[bin2dec(samples[i])] = samples[i]; } return (double)pairs.size()/(int)samples.size(); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { srand((unsigned int)time(0)); // lowerbound, upperbound, precision and number of samples int a = -1, b = 2, precision = 6, nums = 30; // number of string length int len = getLength(a,b,precision); // generate initial population vector<string> samples = randSample(nums,len,a,b); // fitness vector<double> fitness = Fitness(samples,a,b,len); // probability distribution vector<double> probs = choseProbability(fitness); // number of generation of the evolving process int numGeneration = 100; // current generation number int curGeneration = 0; // evolving while (curGeneration<numGeneration) { // generate new generation samples = newGeneration(samples,probs); // output cout << "The " << curGeneration << "-th generation: "; for (int i=0;i<(int)samples.size();++i) { cout << rangeValue(bin2dec(samples[i]),a,b,len) << " "; } cout << endl; // check variation if (Variation(samples)<0.15) { break; } // fitness fitness = Fitness(samples,a,b,len); // probability probs = choseProbability(fitness); curGeneration++; } // print results vector<double> doubleValue; for (int i=0;i<(int)samples.size();++i) { doubleValue.push_back(rangeValue(bin2dec(samples[i]),a,b,len)); } cout << "\nThe result:\n"; for (int i=0;i<(int)doubleValue.size();++i) { cout << "f(" << doubleValue[i] << ")" << " = " << targetFunc(doubleValue[i]) << "\n"; } system("PAUSE"); return 0; }
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