逆波兰表达式(Reverse Polish Notation)转换:
逆波兰表示法(Reverse Polish notation,RPN,或逆波兰记法),是一种是由波兰数学家扬·武卡谢维奇1920年引入的数学表达式方式,在逆波兰记法中,所有操作符置于操作数的后面,因此也被称为后缀表示法。逆波兰记法不需要括号来标识操作符的优先级。因此逆波兰记法广泛地被用于计算器。
这个问题可以用火车调度场算法解决,Shunting yard算法是一个用于将中缀表达式转换为后缀表达式的经典算法,由艾兹格·迪杰斯特拉引入,因其操作类似于火车编组场而得名。非常巧妙.具体可参考这里.
import string def rpnGenerate(s): pri = {'+':0,'-':0,'*':1,'/':1,'^':2,'!':3} pat = {'+':'left','-':'left','*':'left','/':'left','^':'right','!':'right'} rpn = '' # result rpn string stack = [] # operator stack for c in s: if c==' ': continue ## # output the current char, rpn and op stack ## print '%s %10s %10s' % (c,rpn,stack) if c in string.digits+string.ascii_letters: # num rpn += c elif c=='(': # ( stack.insert(0,c) elif c==')': # ) if '(' not in stack: # error, no ( in stack break n = stack.pop(0) # pop operator until ( is the stack top while n!='(': rpn += n n = stack.pop(0) else: # operators if len(stack)==0: stack = [c] continue # pop a op if: # 1. stack top is not ( or ) # 2. current op is left combine and priority is small than or equal to op on stack top # 3. current op is right combine and priority is small than op on stack top elif (stack[0] not in '()') and ((pat[c]=='left' and pri[c]<=pri[stack[0]]) or (pat[c]=='right' and pri[c]<pri[stack[0]])): rpn += stack.pop(0) # push op in stack stack.insert(0,c) if len(stack)>0: # stack is not empty if stack[0] in '()': # has ( or ), quotations don't match return 'error' else: # pop up all ops and return rpn rpn += ''.join(stack) return rpn else: # empty stack, return rpn return rpn n = int(raw_input()) i = 0 while i<n: s = raw_input() print rpnGenerate(s) i += 1
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