It's very common that you might need to get/edit/delete a system environment variable from time to time. In one of my previous post, I shared two functions that could get a system environment variable by its name or get all system environment variables in a map<string,string>

In this post, I made another function that can obtain all system environment variables from the list.
map<string,string> GetAllSysEnvVars(void)
{ map <string,string> SysEnv;
extern char **environ; char **env = environ; while (*env) { string tempStr(*env); size_t pos = tempStr.find_last_of('='); if (pos != string::npos) { string tempName = tempStr.substr(0, pos); string tempVal = tempStr.substr(pos + 1); SysEnv[tempName] = tempVal; } env++; } return SysEnv; }
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