This is a really usful trick for GUI development in Matlab. Although Matlab has some advanced methods such as Future object to run the process in background. But a simple method to mimic what the user does by pressing CTRL+C would be nice to have! Credit goes to: This trick has bee tested in Matlab 2020a App designer. The bad news is that the use of 'com.mathworks' would be deprecated in a future version of Matlab - and there would be NO alternatives! The whole process would be: 1. get matlab session 2. transfer focus to command windows 3. import java robot to press CTRL+C for 2 or 3 times (could be more as it won't hurt!) Working code:
function terminateTraining(~) % stop operation by emulates CTRL-C in command window %1) request focus be transferred to the command window % (H/T cmdWindow = com.mathworks.mde.cmdwin.CmdWin.getInstance(); cmdWindow.grabFocus(); %2) Wait for focus transfer to complete (up to 2 seconds) focustransferTimer = tic; while ~cmdWindow.isFocusOwner pause(0.1); % Pause some small interval if (toc(focustransferTimer) > 2) error('Error transferring focus for CTRL+C press.') end end %3) Use Java robot to execute a CTRL+C in the (now focused) command window. %3.1) Setup a timer to relase CTRL + C in 1 second % Try to reuse an existing timer if possible (this would be a holdover % from a previous execution) t_all = timerfindall; releaseTimer = []; ix_timer = 1; while isempty(releaseTimer) && (ix_timer <= length(t_all)) if isequal(t_all(ix_timer).TimerFcn, @app.releaseCtrl_C) releaseTimer = t_all(ix_timer); end ix_timer = ix_timer+1; end if isempty(releaseTimer) releaseTimer = timer; releaseTimer.TimerFcn = @app.releaseCtrl_C; end releaseTimer.StartDelay = 1; start(releaseTimer); %3.2) Press press CTRL+C for 3 times app.pressCtrl_C(); app.pressCtrl_C(); app.pressCtrl_C(); end function pressCtrl_C(~) import java.awt.Robot; import java.awt.event.*; SimKey = Robot; SimKey.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); SimKey.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_C); end function releaseCtrl_C(~) import java.awt.Robot; import java.awt.event.*; SimKey = Robot; SimKey.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL); SimKey.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_C); end
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